Memory, gender and activism. Resistance to the dictatorship and struggle for legal abortion right
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The panel “Memory, gender and activism. Resistance against dictatorship and struggle for legal abortion right” was held on March 26th, 2021. The event was organized by Emilio Crenzel and Daniele Salerno within the MEMORIGHTS project - Cultural Memory in LGBT Activism, based in Utrecht University and Buenos Aires University and developed by Marie Sklodowska-Curie program from the European Union. The panel had also the collaboration from the European Research Council “REACT- Remembering Activism”, based in Utrecht University (Ann Rigney coordination). The lecturers of the panel were Elizabeth Jelin (CONICET - CIS-IDES) and Bárbara Sutton (SUNY – Albany) and was coordinated by Emilio Crenzel (CONICET-UBA).
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