Social Outbreak and History of Women: construction of feminist political genealogy in Chile

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Karelia Cerda Castro


This article analyses the implications of the Social Outbreak for the production of History of Women, based on the prominence of the feminist and women’s movement in the development of the mobilizations initiated on October 18, 2019 in Chile. The central objective is to reflect on the demand for the participation of women in the social struggles of the past that arises in the current feminist movement and the consequent interpellation towards Chilean historiography. In this sense, it is hypothesized that the socio-political participation of the feminist movement in the context of the Social Outbreak has opened up perspectives and challenges for historical research with a gender perspective, especially with regard to the reconstruction and interpretation of the trajectory of women’s struggles in our country, enabling the formulation of a political genealogy that gives a sense of continuity to the feminist movement in the current context.


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Cerda Castro, K. (2020). Social Outbreak and History of Women: construction of feminist political genealogy in Chile. Aletheia, 10(20), e045.
Dossier: Chile, hasta que la dignidad se haga costumbre. Movilización social, proceso constituyente y horizontes de posibilidad post 18 de octubre


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