Social Outbreak, Memory and Human Rights

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Carmen Pinto Luna


Although the so-called social outbreak began on October 18, 2019, and it was unexpected in its magnitude, though expected in its content; its origins are undoubtedly the violations of Human Rights, the means by which the defenders of the dictatorial power imposed a new political, economic, social and cultural order, sustained in a subsidiary State that stripped it of its obligations to guarantee basic rights, as provided by international human rights law and systematically prevented the Chilean people from deciding their sovereign destiny. As the young people who started this state of rebellion have pointed out, they are not thirty pesos, alluding to the increase in the value of metropolitan transport, they are thirty years in the shadow of a dictatorship whose main legacy is the 1980 Constitution, and its infamous Constitutional Court -a real third Chamber.


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Pinto Luna, C. (2020). Social Outbreak, Memory and Human Rights. Aletheia, 10(20), e047.
Dossier: Chile, hasta que la dignidad se haga costumbre. Movilización social, proceso constituyente y horizontes de posibilidad post 18 de octubre