“We were doomed to search and hug these pieces of paperboard that we bring with us: the photos of our children”: Interview with Maria Herrera Magdaleno, activist in the search of missing persons in México

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Carlos Gutiérrez Rodríguez
María Emilia Nieto


Interview with Marí­a Herrera Magdaleno, in Buenos Aires, November 22, 2018. She is mother of missing people in México and a Human Rights activist. In this document she shows the demands of the missing relatives movement in México and the tasks of the Forth National People Search Brigade.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Rodríguez, C., & Nieto, M. E. (2020). “We were doomed to search and hug these pieces of paperboard that we bring with us: the photos of our children”: Interview with Maria Herrera Magdaleno, activist in the search of missing persons in México. Aletheia, 10(20), e050. https://doi.org/10.24215/18533701e050


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Olivares Alonso, E. (14 de febrero de 2019). Cuarta brigada destapó negligencia de las autoridades. La Jornada. Recuperado de: https://www.jornada.com.mx/2019/02/14/politica/015n1pol

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