Intelligence archives in Argentina

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Mariana Nazar
Cecilia Garcia Novarini


This article proposes to approach intelligence archives from an archival perspective, incorporating it as a system of interpretation by using its principles and some of its concepts and procedures. To this end, it briefly presents the place occupied by the demands for memory, truth and justice in the identification and consultation of intelligence documentation in Argentina; develops the specificity of the archival conceptual framework for thinking about the production, management and research of this type of documents; reviews the different cases of intelligence archives that are known; analyzes the consequences that the ways of conceptualizing the archive have had on the tasks of management and research; and problematizes the possibilities of research on them. In this way, it seeks to highlight the importance of valuing the concepts related to the main and first task of archival treatment: identification, in order to focus on issues related to the possibilities of recovering the context of production of the documents and, in this way, to enable the reading of the literal information contained in the records in dialogue with their contexts. It is understood that this opens up the possibility that the documents can serve as a source for history, as well as for institutional memory and/or for guaranteeing the exercise of the rights of all men and women.


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Nazar, M., & Garcia Novarini, C. (2021). Intelligence archives in Argentina. Aletheia, 11(22), e084.
Dossier: Los organismos de inteligencia en Argentina. Miradas desde los archivos a una burocracia secreta


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