Towards the 40th anniversary of the South Atlantic war?
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This article asks what will really be commemorated on the 40th anniversary of the Malvinas/Falklands War (1982-2022), by contrasting the variegated ways of public remembrance that will take place throughout 2022 and the readings that scholars have contributed about what happened at that time. This reflection elaborates comparatively on these meanings and describes what we Argentine researchers in the Social Sciences have done with the Anglo-Argentine armed conflict over the Malvinas and Islands of the South Atlantic. It also examines the foundations that underlie such meanings and supports the thesis that scholars and intellectuals have ignored the war like character of the initiative of the third junta of the last military dictatorship, the self-called National Reorganization Process (1976-1983).Thus, this article shows that the direct protagonists of the war and their analysts postulate alternative senses that are reworked as a paradox still difficult to handle: a popular cause originated in a question of pending territorial sovereignty was undertaken, with due success and popular support, by an already antipopular and bloody military dictatorship.
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