Demonumentalization: dialogues to think about the territory from decoloniality and memory. Interview with Natalia Cabanillas

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Rocío Miranda Ruscitti
Amalia Petrongolo


As we travel through our space, we come across multiple territorial marks that we have naturalized daily, they have become part of our landscape to the point that we rarely ask ourselves what their origins are. In this interview, we spoke with Dr. Natalia Cabanillas, who analyzed the importance of demonumentalization, from the intrinsic relationship between symbolic marks and concrete practices that evidence power relations. She studied two cases: Rhodes Must Fall in Cape Town (South Africa) and the monuments in Redenção (Brazil), the resistance to criticism and the issues involved.


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Ruscitti, R. M., & Petrongolo, A. (2022). Demonumentalization: dialogues to think about the territory from decoloniality and memory. Interview with Natalia Cabanillas. Aletheia, 13(25), e141.